That is what is so clever about this game, you do not get told where to go, your curiosity and the brilliantly designed landscape will show you where to go, without you even realizing it. While you are flying through the environments like a cross between Usain Bolt and Robin Hood, you come across all manner of puzzles, shrines, and interesting things that catch your eye.

Traversal is fast, fluid and a lot of fun!

This system in itself is entertaining, never mind the rest of the game’s many great facets. You are zipping through trees, jumping over streams and linking it all together by shooting these speed-inducing targets. These two small details lead to amazing feats of athleticism and performing speedy platforming feats that make you feel wondrous.

You can run and you can jump but scattered around the map are idols, floating in the air, shoot them and you will get a speed boost or a boost to your jump whilst in mid-air. The main hooks for the Pathless are the aforementioned exploration and perhaps even better than that, the game’s amazing movement and traversal systems.